Monday, July 29, 2024

A joyful heart is good medicine.

We have started to get updates from families that we helped by providing seeds for their gardens.  They are so pleased to be able to show us .  It is a lot of work , but when you start harvesting , there is such a feeling of saisfaction . 

Soon we will begin harvesting the honey from the new bees down on the farm.  From our mountain bees we just took the second draw and got 660 lbs of honey.  Glad we have some teams coming that we will be able to send some back with . 

This last weekend we had a group come and stay at the guest house and they wanted to get their hands dirty on the farm .. It is such a blessing to see the beets all weeded and doing so well.  The next teem coming will be making huge batches of pickles beets, pickled peppers, tomatoe sauce and zuccinni relish and bread.  

The knapsacks have started to arrive at my house . they are being shipped from 4 different depots so will be spred out over 4 days of delivery... I guess not many people buy 700 at a time . 

When I found out we had so many kids coming, I was kind of overwhelmed .  This is outside my comfort zone.  Never mind what do you do with 700 kids , but how do you feed them all and preparing the bags is a huge task , and even limiting it to just $10 a knapsack, thats still $7000. and then getting everything money included to Kyrgyzstan on time .   
Well in Just two weeks it has all come together .  We only have $240 to go.  We have a team coming that will sponsor the snacks. We will have the local families involved with the food prep and organizing the party.  We can also have them helping to order and package the school supplies by grade.  then when we get there we just need to put them in the color coordinated  knapsacks .  The team is even bringing some extra toys and things that we will be able to use as door prizes .. and maybe even throw in a fishing trip for a dozen kids.   Now the panic is starting to subside, I am even starting to get a little excited .  

A joyful heart is good medicine,

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