Thursday, June 22, 2023

Getting ready for the next team

Getting ready for a larger team, and the summer air bnb season.  We are planning on renovating the old bathroom and Banya but do not have the time before the season starts so we did some quick repairs and painted everything with a nice clean white washable paint.  Also to help the musty smell from the Banya, we put in a fan and I changed out the old window and put in one that opens 

When we were in the city we did a little shopping at the make shift market and bought an old mirror and some paintings from an artist that we really like . 

When the team comes we will be expanding the patio and putting up a fence . We started gathering up the supplies needed.  The fence will be wood burned then ground off and oiled .. this will make the wood so it does not rot and will not need to be stained or painted . 

With a team of 10 plus drivers and translators we need to have space for at least 15 people, so we set up an extra table at the café where people gather in the morning before breakfast or after supper  

Knowing we had an extra 15 mouths to feed and that we would be busy, the guys helped me to start prepping some quick easy meals .. this day we were making Lasagnas  and chilli .   We also had some guests at the guest house during this week .. they were such a nice family . 

Lots of shopping to get ready .. like this day we were buying drinks. 

We had a meal out with some of our breakfast club kids .. We gave them a choice of restaurants and they chose the KFC. 

Back at the farm. one of Ruslan's rabbits had babies so he made a new cage for the last batch of babies.

Over the next couple weeks we will be doing  lot of work at the farm, at the Kashar (ranch) and most importantly we will be spending time out in the community bringing Hope and Joy to many .. 

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