Thursday, August 04, 2022

Making some headway

We are looking forward to Aug 24th , we will be sharing an update with our friends from Northview church in Peterborough .  They are always a great blessing .  This time we will have some honey with us from the farm that we will have for sale to help offset some of the needs on the farm . We will also have some tea from Kyrgyzstan as a small gift from us available at the table .  So if you are in the area , come on out and have a cup of tea on us . 

There have been so many needs met over the last few days .  the back log of needs is starting to get under control.  Lets start with Kamala's aunt .. she has received the money that was needed for her treatment .. Kamala was so blessed buy this and how fast the funds cam in .. she felt the love 😊

Aigola felt the love as well 😍 She has been staying with Kamala in the city and has been able to get her blood sugar under control and has had two eye surgeries .. both went well and she has 100% vision back. 

Last week the fire wood arrived and the boys are now busy cutting and splitting it  so that we can add a couple bags of wood with each truck load of coal. this will make it much easier for the people who receive the coal to get their fires going 

Speaking of coal , next week we will be starting with the coal deliveries .  this was a huge need of about $10 000, but we have a good start on it so we will be able to begin. The boys will get a couple weeks worth of deliveries bagged up and then they will have a week holiday at Lake IsyKol . They are very excited about that .  We hope to be able to send a little money with Vlad to treat them to a nice meal out while they are there.  

Kamala and Aigola are not the only ones that are feeling the love . 💑 Vera and Oleg were excited to here that we have figured out a work around to be able to get some money into their hands right away to be able to pack the food hampers to deliver to the families that they care about 

We are still working on the scholarship funds as we come down to the dead line if anyone fells impressed to help with this .  also the coal will be a big need for a while I am sure . 

More good news , we were able free up some space on our visa's to be able to purchase our flights back to Kyrgyzstan in the beginning of October . On the way we have a 10 hour layover in Istanbul so we will be able to get out of the airport and visit with one of our kids on the way. 


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