Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Taking things up a notch

I was chatting with Tanya today .

She was showing me some pictures of some of the people she was visiting this last month.  Along with coal to families, she also visited some men from a couple different homes for the disabled .  There she celebrated birthdays, as well as having a puppet show and dance.  They all had a great time and loved to see her.

After our chat, I shared with her our desire to strengthen our humanitarian aid work, and how we would like to continue to support her , as well as an extra $100 into her budget for helping others .  I also shared how we would like to have nick working with us as a social worker once he graduates.  We thought it would be great if she was to work with him once a week and share some of her experience. 

This is the response that we got from her;

"Thank you so much John . 😊. I am happy.this is very good news for me and for my grandma. .I think you will help me only one year and several days a go I came to Bishkek find work but this day was a lot of men in Bishkek . like revaluation or mutany all men were drunk. I went home fast.. and now I understand why I came back.. Happy happy happy ..thank you so much... Ok. It is good idea Nick can came to us... 🤗🤗🤗🤗"

I felt a little over whelmed when I read this response from her .  Knowing that the time was coming up to finish her support, I could only imagine how she would have been feeling. I know how we were feeling.  We made the decision a few days ago and I shared it here on the blog, and already we have the $1200 for the years project money , and $50 a month toward her monthly support   This just leaves us with $150 a month left of her salary.  for nick we have in $30 a month with $170/ month to go for his salary . 

Going into this next year we will have two Social workers , one with about 15 years experience , educated as a teacher , trained in the US for working with the disabled, and one with a degree in psychology  and 5 years experience working with us .  This will help to take some of the pressure off Vlad and Olga moving forward .

Please consider how you can help support these additions to our team, either with a one time or monthly donation .  Thank you so much 

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