Tuesday, May 26, 2015

By Design

Early this morning , Jengish and Emma went to the bazaar to get the couches and chairs, and to put the deposit on the bunk beds arriving on Thursday .  While they were doing that Kamala came with Julie and I to the farm to help put down the new floor, and get lunch ready for the kids.  We had 15 kids who do not have homes as of next week, and they came to see the farm and discuss moving in.

We explained that this is a working farm, Not an orphanage or a school, but will be a place of employment and a safe place to live.  They will be expected to work, but will have lots of time to learn and have some fun.  

The boys side was finished just in time, and they helped us to move in the new couch and chairs.  The roms look amazing , I will do some before and after pictures soon.  
We then went over to Podgorna farm across the field. 

We explained to them how the rotating work schedules  would be set up so that everyone had a turn doing each area.. gardening, working with the animals, the bees, cooking and cleaning, they will all do it all .  We also explained how one farm the produce was all for donation to the seniors home, orphanages, the homeless shelter and families in need. The Podgorna farm would be used to grow produce for canning as Salsa sauce, tomato sauce, pickles, zucchini relish, honey and goat cheese , all to be sold to support the running of the farm .  This farm also has a guest quarters where we will be able to rent buy the night as a bed and breakfast for tourists and those wanting to experience life on the farm.

We then headed back to the boys side to have lunch  We had chicken cooked on the fire by the boys, and Kolya and I made a bunch of salads last night for today .

We all gathered upstairs in the barn for a nice meal together.

 We did not ask for any specific numbers as to who would like to come.  though all seemed to be very interested. We want them to have a bit more time now to thin about it and make the decision on their own rather then being caught up in the moment .    

The kids were happy to see Sergey today as well. They have known him a long time too,  We talked about many of the different outings we have done with them over the years .. Birthday parties, to the circus, fishing and the hot springs, to the movies and seven years of pie in the face Christmas parties.   Over the years as we did things with these kids and built trust and a relationship with these kids  we never knew or had any idea that they may come to live with us one day, and at the same time while everyone worked so hard to get the farm up and running, none of us knew that these would be the kids that would be coming to us .. 

I am so very proud of Emma and Jengish.  They have followed their hearts, and hung onto a vision that was given many years ago.  With so much hard work, and perseverance, and stepping out with their assignment when the resources seemed so far from significant, today we saw the big picture.

One thing for sure,  none of this is a coincidence  I would have to say it has to be, with out a doubt,  by design. 

1 comment:

Carrie DeLille said...

I'm proud of them too!!!! So excited by this!