Saturday, May 02, 2015

getting ready for the kids

Yesterday we had a bit of reconnaissance to do.  We have a group of kids from one of the orphanages coming to the farm, and today we were checking to see about where to take them fishing, and of course that meant getting our lines wet.  We are also looking for a Yack farmer close to the farm that we knew of.  Jengish is getting ready for a photo shoot, but needs a yack.  The Farmer pointed up into the mountains and said " they are up there somewhere , but I don't think you will find them until fall when they come home".  I always thought it took a lot of faith to be a farmer when planting a garden.  planting a seed and expecting it to produce the plant of choice .. but imagine turning your herd loose into the mountains for the summer and having a glimmer of faith that they will return in the fall. 

While at the farm we were able to see how the house is coming along.  We had two rooms that were in very bad shape when we got the farm.  The foundation was fixed before winter, but the walls were in bad shape.  We will be needing these rooms in a few weeks when people start moving onto the farm.  They are coming along well. next week we will start on the ceiling and floors. 

Julie fishing 

back wall with new foundation and reinforced walls 

I think Bekah's still needs some work 

inside the bunk room 

this whole corner has been reinforced with steel bars and wires 

one of three batches of baby rabbits born in the last week 

watering the flower garden

the goats are happy to see Jengish .. the rabbit , not so much 

this Yurt can be rented for $15 a day , might be fun for a team some time

any excuse to drive in the river 

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