Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Wild Goat Chase

What a day .. but certainly not one of our most productive days .  We had made arrangements to go way back into the mountains to purchase some goats .  There is a herd of special milk goats that are a pure bred.  We spoke with the owner last night and made arrangements to come and get about twenty or twenty five today.  We got our little blue truck to follow us along the way.   

the road just kept going higher and higher ...

then finally we spotted it.  The little yurt here is the home of the goat herder 

When we got there we were told that the owner of the goats had gone into town, and had not told the others anything about us coming .. We figure that he was so excited to know that he had a big sale coming that he decided to celebrate, but just a little too soon. 

Just about the point that we realized that we had been stood up, our little blue truck arrived 

Jengishes brother went looking for a phone signal to call the goat guy, but the guys phone was turned off.  This whole hill side is covered in horse radish .

so we had a choice of going back the way we came , or over the top of the mountain and down the steep side ... So with our little blue truck in the lead we headed on our way . 

right at the top of the mountain we stopped to take some pictures and discuss if we would be going forward or going back 

 Decision was made , lets go for it ..

So it was a nice 4 hour trip, but no goats, and all we had to show for it was a bill for $40 for the truck for the day. 

We then went back to the farm and made a pen for the ducks and geese.   Our little tipsy goose needs go go back to the farm before we go, and we were hoping if we fixed up a nice new pen he would do ok there .  With in 15 minutes he was looking like a drowned rat.. and just lying on his back , so it looks like he is coming back home with us now. 

taking a break 

this rabbit has a real double chin 
  Finally home , goosy bathed and time for a nap .. a long day and nothing accomplished ! 

baby goose bathed and rolled up in a towel, ready for a nap 

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