Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blessings , Blessings , and More Blessings

Before I start this next post, I want to share how blessed we feel to have such an incredible group of sponsors surrounding us .  This morning I shared a need about an orphanage who needed help to go to camp when their funding fell through .. with no one else left to turn to, they asked you to help, then went off to bed .. while they slept, people from all over Canada and the US rose to the challenge and the camp money , in it's entirety , was received..   They will awake this morning to news that  camp is a go.... what a blessing.  

A couple days ago, Sergey was able to do a food drop to the Orlofka orphanage, and while there , they decided to get in on the watermelon parties, so here are a few new photos of the fun.. For some reason, Kids eating watermelons never seems to get old... again thank you to the many sponsors who have had a part in these parties. 

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