Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Celebration Day

Great day today.  We have completed the Hospital bed project . 

The money came from the Kawartha Rotary club.  You may remember when Jengish was in Canada, he went to the Rotary with me and received the big check.  

There is an active Rotary here in Bishkek, and part of the deal is that the Bishkek Rotary club comes out to inspect when the project is completed.  They then send a letter of confirmation back to the sponsor. 

Today we had a few Rotary members present, as well as local officials and the hospital director.

We were so encouraged.  When they local Rotary listened to all the renovations that have been done, and saw how happy that the new mothers were, and the difference in how things were, they were quick to come up with a great offer.  

They have suggested that they will take the lead, and start putting new casement windows in the hospital.  The hope is to start with the floor where the new born are, as well as the ICU unity for the Baby hospital. 

This is sooo big, and gives us such HOPE when we see national organizations step up in such a big way. 
Its the kind of thing that we have been striving for, and with them being involved in the last two phases of the projects there, it gives them a good stepping point for the next... This time , we will help them.  I am excited about this.  It will be a BIG project, but I know that the benefits will be even bigger.

On another note, there was an accident on the highway last night , there was a young girl stepped out in front of a car, and is now in serious condition in the hospital. Her family has no money, and the driver of the car has been told to pay for all the medical expenses of the girl.   The driver has all his family collecting money to help quickly so she can get the care she needs.  They had managed to collect  all but $150 .  I agreed to help them a bit, and covered $100,  It has come at such a bad time.  The Visa's have been such a problem for us this trip.  it has cost a fortune.. but that is another whole storey for another day . 

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