This was a great weekend.. Julie and I drove down to Kitchener on Friday night and spent the weekend with Sam and his wife
Vee. We had a little kingdom business to take care of on Saturday morning, then got everything ready for the kick of service in
Godrich . There was a three fold Challenge this Morning...... 1. Are we sure that we are not missing the boat in our communities ? Is there more that we can do to help the helpless and the hopeless ? 2. This was the official start of putting together the team and the resources to head to
the village in Central Asia to put in a kitchen at the orphanage ( Maybe next time I am there, I will be able to cook inside ) and Finally 3. This is the part that was most exciting for me. We started the child sponsorship today, AND WHAT WOULD BE MORE
LOVKA. We had some candid photos of the kids to give them along with the registration photo's. We had Julie and I and
Sams son Scott ( remember the young lad that got the ball rolling when we purchased a house for the family from the dump?) at the table . We were able to give a little insight into the history and personalities of many of the kids, and did our best to match them up with the right sponsors. It was a funny feeling , a couple of times I wanted to say, " No you can't have that one or that she is already taken " because I wanted to sponsor them myself. I know that it's silly. Julie and I do all that we can to help these kids regardless , and the sponsorships is a way for others to get involved. The thing that makes this sponsorships so unique is that we will only have kids in locations that we have regular contact with our workers, and most importantly, that we bring teams to on a regular basis. This will give opportunely for sponsors to not only write, but to actually go themselves, or meat with people that have gone and spent time with their kid. So the totals.....12 children sponsored in the first morning..... Thank you
Godrich for your support. I pray that God will richly bless you, AND THAT YOU TOO. WILL BE RICHER FOR KNOWING THESE KIDS.