Sunday, April 07, 2024

If I believed in coincidences

After church today we had a bit of running around to do .  We delivered some seeds as well as picked up a vaccume cleaner .  Our regular canaster vaccumes just don't cut it with all the construction so this time we got a shop vac.  

Sergey and his family went up to the Kashar to pour a new top one the yurt pads .. not it looks like glass .

Quinton and I went for a drive up to the mountain to see the bees .  I was relieved to see bees flying .. So many bees died this winter .. spring arrived then after everything woke up, they got -35 weather for a week as well as a pile of snow.  But fortunatly we still have bees.  

Now here is a neet storey .   A couple days ago Quentin was sugesting to me that we plant red currents near the trees in the garden because they realy attract bees and other polinators .  I shared with him that I had not seen them here, but would put word out.   Today as we were leaving the mountain bees , our friend Talbek arrived . Said he was so happy he caught us because he had a preasent for me .. 10 red current bushes.  Here is the cool thing .. I had not yet put the word out that I wanted some .. The only ones who knew this was Quentin, Myself and God.   Some would call this a coincidence .. but not me. 

Vera just sent update picyures od the seeds being delivered in her village ,, we were happy to see one of Julies girls recieving packages . 

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