Sunday, November 20, 2022

The 7th day of Christmas ; A part of the farm Family!

Christmas is such a time of Celebration and family gathering.  We Celebrate Christmas , but just about every religion or nationality has some sort of celebration around that time of year .  The Celebrations range from Dec 25 threw New Years and on until Jan 7.   What they all have in common is that time of gathering together with family .   For many of the kids we work with, they never had that.  Unless they were in an orphanage that we have supported, they may have never celebrated, and most had no family to go home to!

The Farm is a big Family .. we may put the " FUN in DISFUNCTION" but hay,  how many of you can say that your own family has it all together 😁  I am so blessed that even as the kids mature and go off the farm and begin their own lives,  the farm remains their family.  Christmas has become a home coming time for them.  All are welcome to "come home" 

It is not out of the ordinary to have about 20 kids plus our friends and co workers come to celebrate , and be part of that family.  This is a happy time and an exciting time for them , and I am sure deep down, at the same time  it can be a sad and depressing time as it brings up old memories .. It seems that the older I get the more I understand this.  

We want to make sure that the memories we are creating are GOOD memories for them .
That's why we want to make sure that None of them are missed and all receive a small personalized gift . We would like to have a budget of $25 a person for this.  


One the farm we have a photo wall with all kids that call the farm home as well as the farm support .  Things turned bad for Sergey and he returned to the farm a couple days ago.  He saw his photo on the wall and was very excited. George had his photo taken at the same time and he will be going up today .. He to was excited to be,  as he put it,
  "a part of the Farm family"

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