Thursday, December 12, 2019

This need has become high priority

The scheduled of many of our Christmas catalog items  are flexible, but not all, we have  only a couple days left for this need .  

Every year when we celebrate Christmas celebrations  , there are always a few kids that have never experienced Christmas before .  Some times they know there is a Christmas , but it is not for them! He have had kids that say other kids get Birthdays , but I don't have one, and others that say that all the kids in their orphanage are vegetarians,  or at least must be because they never are served meat .. 

This year we are helping with a special initiative to reach out to the community and  bring a Christmas celebration to an entirely new group of kids that may have never celebrated before.

The goal was 300 kids @ $15 a child.  We would like to cover about $1000 of this need so far we have $80.  there are others from the village that are also raising funds to help with this .. The reason we are wanting to cover so much is this .  The families working to make this happen make a combined family income of about $200 a month , many of us make a bit more then that .  I want to not only encourage the kids, but I think it is so wonderful that so many families are coming together to sacrifice and do something special for others.. something we want to encourage.   WIN, WIN, and yes Win for us too as we have the satisfaction of knowing that we are  blessed to be a blessing to others so they can in turn be a blessing ... but it needs to start somewhere .. and that could be with you.  The funds will need to be in their hands in Kyrgyzstan by Sunday morning.  We have figured a way to advance the funds their and not have to wait for them to clear pay pal and Canada helps as soon as the donations are in we will get them into the right hands. 

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