Saturday, January 05, 2019

The little things

What a fun day we had today.  We had a get together with one of the teams that was with us in the fall.  Each team member shared a picture, and then told us what that photo meant to them.  

It was so much fun to re live the events of that action packed 10 days while the team was with us.   

As each team member shared about their highlights and what impacted them, I saw a definite pattern forming .. It was all about the one on one relationships they had formed .. Things that can not happen just by throwing money at a problem, but things that happened because they were their personally or things that they facilitated our on the ground teams response to.   Many of the things that they shared may have just seamed like little things at the time but as we look back we see that many of those "little things" continue to bring on going impact today.   It was such an encouragement to us.  
Tomorrow we will be joining our friends in Peterborough that was on the team before them and I am sure that once again we will be listening to and sharing incredible stories of Hope.    

Back on the farm the new baby calf is doing great, we are still anxiously awaiting to find out if its a boy or girl... I guess when Momma cow thinks its an ok time we will be allowed close enough to find out.   Considering our farm kids, its just as well that she is a little protective for the first few day ..  

This next story is one that really brings a smile to my face.  Two of our younger kids that are in Aigoola's charge had a day away with Vlad. They are both incredibly smart.  and when you are that smart things usually go one of two ways.   Since coming to the farm both of these guys have excelled.  The love and stability that they have now I am sure plays the biggest part, but knowing that they need to be challenged is also a big part.  Once a month we would like to have Vlad take them on an outing , spend some time in the city off the farm. The highlight of the trip is a trip to a book store for a new book as they begin to build a library.  Now certainly a new book would bring absolutely no joy to me, hahaha but I do understand that some people are excited by this.  The most expensive book I ever bought was a clinical psychology text book that came home the first day and went under the leg of our china cabinet  to level it until I found a coaster for it.. It is probably still there.  That said, I do understand that to some people a new book brings joy.  

Popcorn , a movie and out for supper was part of the adventure.  


I just love that there are many of you out there that believe like us that these special outings and adventures are all part of growing into mature well balanced members of the family .. These kids may have had a late start, but today they caught up just a little.  Thank you to those of you who support even the little things... some times the littlest thing can make the biggest difference. 

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