Wednesday, December 10, 2014

things that can happen outside the comfort zone.

 Vlady is still hard at it at the clinic .   We are so close to being done .. it is a race against the money right now .. I think we have about a weeks work left and about 2 or three days money left hahahha.. But our friend Vlady is such a good faithful hard worker .  He understands the need for this clinic and is doing all he can to finish .
 This photo is actually off someone elses Face book today.  They have worked hard providing medical help in Kyrgyzstan for many years .  Today they visited the hospital and saw this project on the go, and were so thrilled to see the clinic almost finished . They understand the importance of this.

This second photo is also from Facebook.  This is the back of our sons car.  He is here in Canada .. he understands that you don`t have to be in Kyrgyzstan to find people in need .  He and his friends are working hard to reach out to those in their own community as well . 
  I have people say to me
 " Charity starts at home "  I agree completely with that ,  but It does not end there! In fact I have found that the greatest supporters of charities in North America, are the same people that support our work in Kyrgyzstan .   Not only that, those that tell me that we need to start in our own back yard, are usually people that don't .  
On another friends Face book I read this 

 Received a hug and a kiss on the cheek from a homeless man last week after blessing him. Fear and Compassion are so mixed up in these moments.

  I smiled to myself .  I know exactly where she is coming from. and unless you have experienced it yourself you might not understand .. but I have to tell you , There is nothing like it !   The things that happen outside the comfort zone ..   this Christmas , give it a try .. 

As I think about this , I am sure that many of you have experienced "Life outside the zone " , and I think it would be great to hear from some of you about how working outside the comfort zone has changed your life.  Please email your stories to me at and next week I will share them here on the blog to encourage others to perform their actofkindness  

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