We have a fairly serious need right now , actually it has been going on for a while , but has reached a point that we need to address one way or another very soon. Let me share the burden that I carey ..
We work by coming behind an amazing team of people that are charged with the care of so many , and they do it with grace and mercy, freely giving all that they have for those in need. They are currently active in twelve different
orphanages, two
seniors homes , two homes for the
disabled, three
shelters, half a dozen
schools, three
hospitals, consultation and
medical aid, administration of
micro loans, working with the
blind and
deaf , working with the
Homeless , the
adicts, providing counseling care and support for
at risk youth and the list goes on.
We provide them with a very small monthly support to help with their out of pocket expenses, and find sponsors for larger projects. They all work other jobs as well, so that they can continue to support those that they are called to work with.
This budget to help them comes out of our general funds. For the last few months we have operated at a deficit and have used up the small buffer that we have. The deficit has been two fold , partially because of the completion of a couple monthly commitments from supporters, and another big factor has been the declining Canadian dollar which is killing us on transfer rates. We have a short fall of about $600 a month. As we were leaving a few weeks ago, I had to share with everyone that we have to make some changes in the new year, and reduce our level of support if we don't have a Christmas Miracle. We need to find some some way to increase the monthly sponsorships to the general fund .
I have learned not to worry about the individual projects, if and when the designated sponsorship comes in, then we can move forward, but I have felt it so important to have a guaranteed monthly operating expenses for our front line Hero's.
Please I need your help .. please consider setting, even a small monthly donation to the general fund before the end of the year. Along with covering emergencies, bank fee's and admin so that 100% of designated funds are able to go where needed , Those funds keep our friends out there doing what they do best .
Here are some of those that are on the front line daily doing their
actofkindness for those around them (
not all are shown here, some have asked to remain anonymous, but are equally important )
Last years Christmas party with some of the front line workers , ( event sponsored by Possibilities International ) It just amazes me what this group of people has been able to accomplish working quietly behind the scenes.... they have been referred to as the "fighters of the invisible front " .. you see to many the hurting helpless and lost are just that INVISIBLE, but not to this group. |
Emma and Jengish feeding the homeless, they also work with at risk youth and recovering alcoholics as well they run the farm which will provide fresh produce to other programs . |
Kamalla works as a teacher , at a homework club at the orphanage, she manages many cases we support, confirming that funds are paid directly to the Dr's or hospitals , as well she cooks and translates for teams .. |
Along with attending University, Bekah carries a massive load especially when we are out of country. Her main area of work is to administer and keep up with the nearly 50 kids that we have on scholarships. She helps with their school, living and medical needs .. She is also on the other end of the line as I send direction and finances while in Canada. She helps to administer funds and send back reports. She works as a translator for us and helps with many traveling as well. Now that Emma is no longer living at the apartment, she is also responsible for those who call the apartment home at any given time. In this photo she and Kamala are delivering baby formula to the hospital for a new baby that was abandoned, an example of the type of thing that she is ready for at a moments notice .. day or night . |
Julie oversees medical help,Vitamin program and sponsorships as well as logs all group activities and maintains a photo log, My roll is to come behind our front line workers, supporting and encouraging them, mainly by sharing their work in order to find sponsors that will help them to be able to continue. |
Acel looks after those in the city needing supports as well as works as a translator for us . She also comes to Tokmok regularly to provide culturally sensitive counseling , and is the mother roll to so many, especially when we are not there . She and her family also work closely with the Blind and deaf societies . |
Sergey is the go to man with the orphanages , he has worked supporting them for many years and has developed an incredible relationship with them. He also maintains a cass log of kids that he supports so that they do not end up in the orphanages. He is a good friend and a great support to every one on the team. Anya is a great councilor and a strong advocate for anyone that she works with . As well she runs a dance program for children from the City. They have performed internationally, and have been a real strength and support for so many. |
Larisa is a registered social worker, and is an incredible support to so many , Families at need, Families living in and around the dump, the mens home, and recently the families who lost their homes in the fire this spring. She is a front line, first responder.. if there is a need , Larisa is there .. she also is the one that first brought us to the seniors home and many other people in need. Larisa's mother is in this picture because she works so hard behind the scenes making it possible for Larisa to do many of the things that she does . |
Tanya is Larisa's daughter, but should not be defined as that , she is a beautiful soft gentle lady that not only supports the work of her mother , but also carries a great burden herself. Tanya teaches at the mens home, as well as at a new centre she runs in the same building where the dorm have been built for the fire families. From this centre she works with and supports 40 to 50 kids on a regular basis, teaching as well as advocating for there needs . but most of all she is a friend to them, not many people go out of their way to be friends with the families from the dump, but she does.. |
Olga works diligently with government and disabled . She runs a school to provide teaching for children with learning disabilities. Olga is also the director of Society of Cornelius in Kyrgyzstan and is my go to person when dealing with any government issues such as Visa's, registrations and documents for those we are helping. Olga also pays the utilities and other expenses for our apartments, and those that we suport. |
Anguilla and Aiperie are just so special to us. Humble quiet, hard workers. They make mattresses, blankets and winter coats for us , but more importantly they provide an emergency safe house for so many. Aigula is a mother to the least of these, and is always ready to help with anything we ask of her. |
Vlady is one of the most incredible men I know , when we need anything done, Vlady is the man , renovations , welding , new construction, catering in the mountains, overseeing micro loans , lock smith and mentor to so many kids .. just an amazing man, so it is fitting that he have such an amazing wife. Dr Tatyana is a local heart specialist . In Kyrgyzstan they do not have GP's and it is up to people to manage their own health care. Many times the diagnosis that they receive may not be the best or most up to date.. we have a policy that EVERY medical issue we face with our team and those we are going to help MUST go to Dr Tatyana first for consultation if we are going to help them .. That way we know that people are getting the best possible care. At a moments notice Dr Tatyana will come to any situation and meet us and provide care. This fall it really hit home when Bekah developed a rash and allergies to something unknown , when things turned bad and she started have troubles breathing, Tatyana was there in minutes and and remained vigilant for several days doctoring her through. It was not until Bekah was better that we were able to get her into the American Clinic in the city .. The report was that every thing was done perfect. Dr Tatyana has helped so many that we have come to her with , but we sure have a deeper appreciation when the life she very well could have saved this time was our own daughter. As a parent living 7000 miles away from our family and friends for half the year, we feel blessed beyond measure knowing that Dr Tatya is on the job. |
Please consider a monthly sponsorship to support this team of dedicated friends
" fighting the invisible front "
Jan 1st we will make some changes , lets believe that those changes will be for the better!
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