Monday, October 15, 2012

future oil tycoons .. humble beginnings !

We have a team of incredible young men heading for the airport in a couple hours.  They are coming to Tokmok to assist us in a project that will turn old cooking oil into usable heating oil.  .. Some of the benefits. 
  1. This will provide cheep , clean energy to eventually heat children's homes and seniors homes in the long cold winters of Kyrgyzstan.  
  2.  This will provide good technical jobs for young Orphans who are out on their own, Jyldyz  begins training on Thursday .
  3. This will provide a small industry as we train  lab technicians , build and resell the refineries as start up projects in Asia. 
  4. This will provide jobs for our friends that currently live and work from the dump, giving them the opportunity to lead a better life.   

This morning , Jengish headed early to Bishkek to purchase the shipping container that will become home for the lab.  Vlady headed around Tokmok to source some specific items for the build, and I met with some of our friends at the dump. 

   It is a fairly difficult concept for them to understand.  but these people have been busy for years recycling .. I began to explain to them, and slowly they started to see the potential, several of them did not get it , and went back to work scouring for empty bottles and old wire , but a few got it .. they began to brain storm all the possible places that they could find oil.  There was even a little excitement.  Once I had it narrowed down to 3 key people, I gave them each 200 som ($4.50) enough to cover there transportation for a day to go around and talk to restaurants etc. to see it they can make some lasting connections.  I gave them each a bunch of bottles to get them started, and will be back next Monday to pick up what ever oil they collect.  

  No doubt, as soon as the others begin to see the money flow with the old oil, they too will see the opportunity here .   

I could not begin to tell you how many times I have stood at the dump , in the midst of the smoke and the smell, and looked at these beautiful people and thought , how can we help them.. this may be the way ..  

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