Monday, June 10, 2024

And so it Begins !

It's always a blessing when a load of coal arrives but it's a little extra special when it is the first load of the season.   It is  an answer to prayer to those we deliver to.  Every year the number of families we find in need seems to grow, yet every year I wonder if we will be able to do this another year. 

One truck load at a time ... This is the first of an estimated 30 truck loads for the season .  It is kind of a boring video of the truck arriving yet somehow I am almost in tears by the end.  As I watch this I think of all the people and all the stories of hard ships and the rielif that this brings.  So it may be just a dump truck turning around, but it reperesents so much more . 
It is going to take a few days for this to be bagged up and stacked in the barn .. this will give me a few days to raise the funds for the next load .. As the funds come in we send $1000 cdn  at a time for the next load .. right now I have $270 in so we need another $730 in the next few days to be able to keep this going. Please consider how you can help.

Today Sergey delivered my car to Vera and Oleg ... But first a stop to get it all washed and ready for them to use until we are able to sort out what they are going to do.

They were able to get their car rolled back over, th broken glass removed and running again  then Sergey brought it back to the farm to start working on it .. not sure if it is fixable or if it will be sold off for parts, and we will help them replace it . 

In a few days we will have a large travel team at the farm for about a week. The boys are down to the wire cleaning and painting the kitchen / dinning room .  Next up they will paint the floor and put everything back in.

The final trim is being put on the outside counter and sink area .

While the work is being done inside Olivtina has a few boys and is carefully washing and sanitizing everything before they put things back together. 

Julie is still in Newfoundland looking after Amelia until they are able to find Day care .. It has been a big job forr her since her little

boss can be rather demanding, but at the same time she is blessed that she is able to do it.  In a few weeks , Julie and I will meet up in Toronto then fly to Santa Rosa Beach for the weekend.  We will be meeting with a team that will be cominhg to Kyrgyzstan this fall, then attending an international missions Day at New Life Church .. we are looking so forward to this.  Monday we will fly back to Toronto and Julie will catch a conecting flight back to Newfoundland to resume her duties after the long weekend.  

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