The cold temperatures are not just effecting the water . The power grid is having difficulties and now there are rolling black outs , a few hours every morning and every evening there is no power .. just when people want to eat breakfast and supper . Fortunately we do have some generators for emergency situations so they will get a lot of use now. But with no water and no power, there is going to be a real mess when the water does come back as there will be many frozen and burst pipes .
The guys were able to get around to see Zenna again and bring her another load of coal . She was very happy to see them .. I remember when we brought her coal and groceries at the beginning of Dec.. She made us a cup of tea and said "WOW coal, groceries, and friends to drink tea with, I must be the richest person in the village ! "
Over at the seniors home there are 20 seniors that are so happy to see the little white truck show up with coal for them when they ran out and the Red Cross contacted us.
There has been no coal available at the train yard the last couple weeks so that has made things more difficult for many so we have had to step up the deliveries . Finally today a train showed up and we were able to secure a dump truck load of coal and had it delivered to them. Our guys had their hands full with the water and power outages, but our contact at the Red Cross was able to meet up with the coal truck to make sure it got dumped in the right place
My son Benjamin wrote a song about 11 years ago after coming to visit us in Kyrgyzstan . It was called "In this together". I think about how true that is at this time of difficulty. So many individuals and organizations both here in Kyrgyzstan and all over North America, and other parts of the world for that matter, who are working together to impact the least of these . Some of the faces are the same and some are new , but 11 years later the message is the same .. Have a listen
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