Monday, October 31, 2016

A little work and a little play

We started the day with a work around the farm day. 
The ladies cut up the soap that they made a few days ago, and set them out to dry 

Charlie and Marat worked on refinishing an old table 

as well as making a new lid and restoring an old hope chest 

Julie was out in the garden cleaning some garbage that got mixed in with the manure pile

The little calves are loving their new pen 

All the bigger cows have nice new wooden floor to keep them warm this winter 

The team spend a few hours working in the green house breaking up the big chunks of soil and getting ready to plant. 

The butcher visited the barn today, and we now have one of the beef cows hanging in the garage to be cut up tomorrow 

Then after lunch we were off to the mountains with all the kids from the farm to do a little fishing as well as a trip to the hot springs.  It was a beautiful clear fall day here so it was a great time. 


 I love the way Polly is able to pose with the fish but not actually touch it .. Thank you Misha for the use of your hand .. 

Myrlan was the first in the pool up at the hot springs .. A great end to a wonderful day. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016


There once was a rooster 
who had no name
who's colorful plums 
were his claim to fame 
though his beauty surpassed 
the rest of the flock
he was taken to market 
with other live stock.

One day at this market
a fellow named John 
was looking around 
for a cow to bid on 
and as he was looking 
he spotted this bird 
with the beautiful plumage
not the cow he preferred. 

Well John bought the roster 
as well as the cow
now they each have a name
both rooster and cow.

Now the cow is an Angus
so his name is Angus Kahn
but the roosters name comes from the Bible - like John 
Cephas is nice but 
Theres one even sweeter 
and that is why I am thinking 
that John calls him Peter. 
                       Charlie Guy 10/25/16

Friday, October 28, 2016

a productive day

Today started with some work around the farm.  The girls helped Emma making the soap. 

Charlie and Dave worked with the rest of the boys to prepare the pens for the expecting mother pigs. 

they are very content now 

After lunch we went out on deliveries of coal and food.  But first we stopped at the Children treatment centre to bring them a new TV set.   Then it was on to deliver coal and food hampers. In total we gave out food at eight different homes and coal to five different homes.  There were also Vitamins and mittens given out along the way. 

We had a great supper with the team at Sidoola's home .  It was nice to spend time with them .. a great end to the day .. 

photo Bomb 
 Here is the real one with out me in the way 

One of the stops was at the Bacute orphanage to check out the new walls and roof at the orphanage. 

then it was back to the farm in the evening .   Julie took this picture yesterday .. It is the street that the guest house is on .. I love it , It has so much going on yet is so peaceful. 

Peter is doing well .. I think he likes it here. 

Last post I showed a plant stand that Charlie was building with the boys.  Here it is finished now. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Second half of day four

After lunch Charlie got the stool put together and ready for painting. 

We then went to the Bauna tower.  We were going to pick up the kids from the orphanage but they still have the chicken pox so they had to opt out. 

from the tower we went back to the canal where we had arranged for the eagle hunter and the horse games.   It was very exciting for the team to get so up close and personal with not only Tamara the eagle, but a front row seat with the horse games . 

Its great fun to watch how much the horses get into the games. 

After supper we went back to the farm and put on a big shashleek supper with all the guests. 

Now we are off to bed after a fun filled and  productive day. 

Day two and three with the team.

So much has gone on in such a short time. This team has been kept busy the last couple days.  Here is a bit of a recap.  

We spent an afternoon at the seniors home, and cooked them supper.  They loved all the produce from the farm.  It was great for them to spend time with the team.  Above all else, the time spent just visiting is more valuable then anything else .. I did have one of those reality checks when one of the Babushka's in the bed ridden section got so excited and started clapping when she heard that we had brought some apples .. So much joy from an apple. 

We canned the last of the strawberries then sealed them with bees wax .. 

the cellr is getting full .. good thing the last team made those shelves so solid . 

They got the pumpkins moved to the barn.  We will be adding them into the cattle feed . its very good for them . 

Yesterday afternoon we had bubbles the clown with us  and we visited the Baby orphanage and   the Children's treatment center ..  It was a big hit as usual. 

Lunch was at a local restaurant where they got to experience some of the local dishes. 

At the Baby orphanage we brought Bananas and at the treatment center we brought popcorn and mittens and hats for all the kids. We also brought vitamins  for the kids and nurses uniforms for the adults. 

This morning is a work morning around the farm . 
Charlie is making stools. Today the template, and tomorrow we will be teaching the boys. 

Aiperies baby was registered today .. 

Joe is fixing the windows around the farm before winter and the ladies are learning to make baskets . 

Dave is showing off the blankets that the kids make with Aigoola .. And the laddies are learning how to make baskets with Misha while the beets are cooking for the pickled beets 

After lunch we will be going to the Baurana tower and then taking the kids from Bacute orphanage to the mountains to watch the horse games and the see the eagle hunter.