So much has gone on in such a short time. This team has been kept busy the last couple days. Here is a bit of a recap.
We spent an afternoon at the seniors home, and cooked them supper. They loved all the produce from the farm. It was great for them to spend time with the team. Above all else, the time spent just visiting is more valuable then anything else .. I did have one of those reality checks when one of the Babushka's in the bed ridden section got so excited and started clapping when she heard that we had brought some apples .. So much joy from an apple.
We canned the last of the strawberries then sealed them with bees wax ..
the cellr is getting full .. good thing the last team made those shelves so solid .
They got the pumpkins moved to the barn. We will be adding them into the cattle feed . its very good for them .
Yesterday afternoon we had bubbles the clown with us and we visited the Baby orphanage and the Children's treatment center .. It was a big hit as usual.
Lunch was at a local restaurant where they got to experience some of the local dishes.
At the Baby orphanage we brought Bananas and at the treatment center we brought popcorn and mittens and hats for all the kids. We also brought vitamins for the kids and nurses uniforms for the adults.
This morning is a work morning around the farm .
Charlie is making stools. Today the template, and tomorrow we will be teaching the boys.
Aiperies baby was registered today ..
Joe is fixing the windows around the farm before winter and the ladies are learning to make baskets .
Dave is showing off the blankets that the kids make with Aigoola .. And the laddies are learning how to make baskets with Misha while the beets are cooking for the pickled beets
After lunch we will be going to the Baurana tower and then taking the kids from Bacute orphanage to the mountains to watch the horse games and the see the eagle hunter.