Wednesday, August 28, 2013


 As you know , for many years we have been working at the Tokmok Baby Hospital .  The hospital is actually a teaching hospital .   

nurses in training
 This year we are excited to have a new addition to the school .. Our very own Baktagul will be starting in a few days .  We are so proud of her, Out of the orphanage when she turned 16 with no hope for her future, she was blessed to have an amazing sponsor come forward .  In one year she was able to complete both grade 10 and 11 in a specialized university prep program , and a few weeks ago wrote her entrance exams for nursing school .  Today the future looks bright for Baktagul ..

Bekah  and Baktagul .. ready for school

Yesterday Bekah shared a concern for a young girl who had lost her scholarship, and was $200 short of returning to University .  Bekah has seen first had what the alternative is for many of these young girls , and  had a certain desperation when she called me about her .. with in 24 hours , we had three separate donations  totaling enough to cover this young girls needs.  Bekah was sooo excited when I told her this morning ..she says "thank you" , "Spasiba", &  "Raxmat"

A special thank you to ALL those who are helping us to provide scholarships, but more then that , a safe place for now, and a HOPE FOR THE FUTURE...

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