Saturday, February 25, 2012

The first week with Jengish in Canada

Along with speaking almost every day and some times two or three times a day at churches, schools, service clubs, and businesses ,  Jengish has had a little time to experience some of the things that make us Canadian 

playing in the snow 
even the cold shoulder didn't deter him . 

It's not all fun and games this trip.  Here Jengish is sharing with the members of the Rotary Club 

New beds on the way for the Maternity hospital in Tokmok 
His  First Hockey game  ..view from the box...   Fantastic seats and great company.. not to mention an exciting Game , and Just enough fights tossed in to keep everyone on the edge of their seats .. Jengish wondered why he woke up with a sore throat.

Down town Toronto 

One of many coffee's  at Tim's ,  but this one was his favorite... must have been the company  .. Jengish came to the realization that the true Canadian sport is not necessarily hockey, but is actualy "Rolling up the Rim "

a man can always dream !

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