Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Blessings for the Seniors home .

It is a message I share about all the time, but I am still amazed
myself as I watch it happen.... what am I talking about ?
Light in a dark place!. It is easy for us to look at a project and say
"That is too big... more then I can handle" and for that reason, many
people continue to live in darkness. No one helps because they are
scared to get sucked into a vortex of overwhelming needs...
I don't know weather we are bold, stupid, or just nieve, but I always
remember the words of my friend Dylia. She told me ."Start by doing
what you CAN do and before you know it you will be doing what others
said could not be done." So with that boldness, we have blundered into
many big , over our head , projects. When we step out, something
amazing happens... Others see the light you bring... When people see
things that are good, they want to be a part of it. We have seen that
in many of the orphanages and the invalid home, but no where is it more
prevalent then the Seniors home...
Remember when we went into that home the first time . The director had
nothing left but a striped down old building, no heat no running water,
no furniture, and no food... but what she did have was a bourdon to
provide a home for seniors who were living on the streets.. The task
seemed overwhelming to us at the time, but we just started where we
could... We bought them food... Over the next few weeks, others came
along and shared the bourdon.. LAMb team arrived, and together we began
working to bring dignity to the home.. people from all over the world
began to get involved as the light began to shine in and on this
Furniture was bought , the kitchen was stocked, the water was brought
in, and the heating system has been put in one section at a time..
Even since we left in November, the blessings have continued to flow.
The folks at Lepta Plus.. ( a social fund operated by Sergey) brought
some of their sponsors there , and the last of the heating was
sponsored.. Just yesterday, another great blessing arrived. Lepta plus
has just received a container from Norway, and in it was many things
that are so valuable for the seniors home.. new floors, new winter
boots, cleaning supplies and much more...
I just sit in amazement as I watch such a dark place become a beacon of
light to the community around it...
I have said it before, but I will say it again... Thank you for
everyone that has had a part in this project... you have fanned into
flame a beautiful thing .

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