Thursday, February 27, 2025

A light dusting of snow.

Its a little nicer inside then out side at the farm ..Winter is hanging on with a fresh dusting of snow.  If all goes well we should  be working the garden in a few weeks , but for now there is just planting in the greenn house .   We can start the tomatoes , peppers and vine crops for in the gardens  this week and by April they will be ready to move to the fields. 

Its still a lot better then the dusting of snow we are getting in Canada right now with another 7 inches in the last few hours.  


Monday, February 24, 2025

Seeds arrived .

 We have seeds for over 200 families all packaged up and ready to go.   To these we will add some seed potatoes  and tomato and pepper plants .   Now we are just looking for some funds to throw a party in the playground. We will get these distributed in the last week of March to give people time to start some of the seeds indoors .  

Sunday, February 23, 2025

March 4 to Thunder Bay

As part of  preparing to return to Kyrgyzstan this spring,  I will be flying  Mom up to my Brothers in Thunder Bay on Tuesday March 4. 

I will have a layover at the airport waiting for my return flight .   So that said I would love to have a visit with anyone that would come meet me at the resteraunt at YQT .  I will be there from 2:30 until 4:30. 

I would love to see you .

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Snow day

We won't be going anywhere for a little while.  We got a prety solid dump of snow last night. But thats OK. 

I can relax knowing that the boys are back at it with the coal deliveries .  We have a working truck and coal deliveries to the farm have started up again. 

That means we can get back to delivering coal to families in need. 

Dema is a scocial worker with Luke Services International and today helped us get coal to those who need it most. 

Back on the farm in these cold days, the boys can keep themselves warm, and busy in the green house . 


Thursday, February 06, 2025

Making Plans for the spring.

  Julie and I have purchased or flights back to Kyrgyzstan mid March until mid May.  Shortly after we arive, we are excited to have a team coming. They will help us to get the guest house open and the gardens ready to plant. 

We also love to take this time to connect with the community around us.  I thought I would post some of the possible events that we might be able to do this spring if the funding is available.  Each of these possible events is on a photo that you can download and print if you would like to choose an event and share it with your friends, family or maybe your church family .  Who ever it is, please help us to get the word out.  

You guys make it possible to do what we do. 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

30 families need food .

I recieved a message from Vera last night.  This time of year is always so difficult for people .. as they come close to the end of winter, they often start to run out of food and coal .  She says that she has identified 30 families that are in need of food.  she is asking if we can please find her a sponsor for $500 USD.  

 We did have a donation come in for coal last night .. just $1500 to go to be able to order the coal for 17 more families in need . we are hoping to order the coal tomorrow .

The boys had the day off today so they went for a hike up to the waterfalls .