Saturday, August 31, 2024

Day 2

We have been blessed to have this incredible volunteer on the farm for the last six months .. Zak you will be missed by us all, praying that your family is blessed as your journey continues 

Pictures are a bit out of order , I am posting from my phone and can't figure out how to re order them ... 

Sam and I kicked the day off with a few monsters .. the water was very cloudy today and we had know idea what we might catch , then this lunker appeared 

The kids all had such a great time .

Julie had not seen the stairs in yet .  She has was really pleased how well they turned out 

Sam liked having the cooking qr a down on the patio 

Fish and chips were awesome 

The team brought a bunch of different Canada day stuff .. it was really fun for the kids .  Feeling the love from around the world .

We then gave out school supplies.  I could not believe how incredibly happy they were 

Then tonight back at the farm we had burgers .. Olivtina made perfect buns for us .

We had time for some rock painting .. they always love that 

We also took them to the hot springs


Friday, August 30, 2024

Team day 1

 Up early this morning with my little friend having coffee before heading over to make breakfast. 

The team was right to work after traveling for about 26 hours .  
We had 700 packs of school supplies to pack to get ready for the party in the playground on Sunday  

While the team was packing bags with some volunteers , Olivtina and I were making pizza 

EVERYBODY worked up an appetite.

As they were packed, the bags were passed through the window to be stacked until we are ready for them 

Corey was kept running just carrying bags to the window.

After supper we had a team meeting in the new Yurt . 

Here are a bunch more photos from the day ..

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Welcome Home .

Last night we received a new boy at the farm.  He arrived with only the clothes he had on . I realized. This when at the team meeting we were discussing the sceduals for the next couple weeks and we mentioned about going swimming at the hot springs .. I asked if he had a bathing suit , but he said all  he had was the clothes he had on. 
We were going into town shopping for the farm so he came along with us and we bought him a full change of clothes, shoes,  extra socks and underwear, and a new bathing suit .

 We will have time to beef up his wardrobe while the teams are here .  

So glad the we have been able to receive Vladislov (Vlad).  Please remember him as he settles in. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Excited to be here .

 We had good flights into Kyrgyzstan this morning .  I was blessed with the whole row on two flights so I was able to get some sleep along the way so that has been great.   Our bags did not make the connection, so unpacking was a lot easier .  

We did the first grocery shop today to stock our house and the cafe.  we took a little walk around the farm to see what canning the team will be doing .. everything is great .. lots of beets for pickled beets .. also pickled peppers ,and chili sauce.  

The kitchen work space is all nicely renovated and ready for action 

We have a bit of a stock pile of zucchini so we will make both zucchini relish and the boys favorite... Zucchini bread that we can cut into six portion squares and freeze.

The inside dinning room is full of back to school supplies that we will start packing into 700 napsacks when the teams gets here .

Around 2:00 we got a call that the bags had arrived today and the guys were in the city so they picked them up and brought them out to us . 

Tomorrow morning we will have a team meeting to go over all the plans for the next 6 weeks . Then will head for town to do a huge shop to stock up with supplies for canning, picnic's and parties and of course for the teams meals . 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

In the spring we sent a bunch of eggs to a friends for him to raise in the incubator and look after until the chicks were olad enough to join the flock.  Today they arrived .   We should take bets on how many roosters we will end up with out of 60 chickens . 
"winner winner chicken dinner "  my bet is that there will be a lot more then one chicken dinner !

I am excited to see the yurt in person.  This was one that was up in the mountain bur the fover was worn out and the wooden frame could not take the high winds any more .  We have moved it down to the farm and have a new cover comin next week .  Today the wooden seets were sanded and tomorrow they will be varnished.   

sergeys wife and Daughter have been busy making cussions for the benches .  They have covered them with a washable fake leather material . 

The tomatoes are starting to rippen up now.  Just in time for the teams that are comming next week to help us do some canning. 

The guys are busy cleaning carpets and cleaning the van to be ready for teams .


Last sunday I was sharing at Calvery church in Lindsay .. We had a great time there and look forward to returning again .  Grammy Pammy helped with the display table . 

This Sunday Julie will be home and we will be giving an update at Norwood Pentecostal church .  The next day we will be on our way .